Sunday, May 15, 2011

It Gets Better!

This time I went back with a question that had been plaguing me for some time. How do you know if you have reached "healthy" or if there is still something more you can do?

I guess I was asking: Have I reached my health potential, or can I dare to hope for something more?

I was once again thrilled with what he said:

Despite improvements in health care, pharmaceuticals, diagnoses, and treatments, illness is increasing at an alarming rate! The gene pool hasn't changed, so what has?

Our environment. And as science has shown over the last decade, our genes are not our destiny. They indicate a predisposition to illness, but whether those genes express or not is determined by the environment of the body. If it has what it needs, and is not impeded by things that are toxic, it has what the doctor refers to as a powerful and "instinctive inclination to heal and protect itself!"
(See:  Genuis, SJ.  "Our genes are not our destiny")

You see this at work when your eye blinks to keep dust away, or when a doctor re-aligns a broken bone and it produces new bone to join itself back together. I have already experienced this principle personally on three separate occasions.  A doctor stapled my abdomen back together following a c-section, and my organs and skin healed together!

"I don't heal anyone" He says to me. "I just facilitate the body as it does what it is designed to do."

Mainstream doctor training teaches that our genes are our destiny. You have an illness because you were genetically predestined to get it, and the hope that you have in most cases is to manage your symptoms by means of pharmaceutical treatment or surgery. Occasionally an illness may be caused by other factors.
(See: Genuis, SJ. "What out there is making you sick?"

Environmental Medicine looks at the environment of the whole body.  My doctor draws the diagram below. It asks: 1) Does the body have what it needs to work properly? And, 2) Is there something toxic in the body/it's surrounding environment that is keeping it from doing what it's designed to do?

All of this to say, I was invited on a journey to find out the answer to the two questions mentioned earlier:
1) Does my body have what it needs to work properly?
2) Is there something toxic in my body/environment that is keeping it from doing what it is designed to do?

I already knew I was exposed to mold, so I was confident we would find something.  But some of the things these tests have revealed were completely unexpected!  I'll share them soon!

Happy health!
Read Next Post:  The Lab Results (May 24, 2011)

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