Thursday, January 6, 2011

The First Visit

I went for my first appointment, unsure of what to expect. Last time I was there as an Obstetrics Patient. I brought my symptoms on paper (otherwise I was sure to forget to mention something). I was afraid that if anything was left out it might lead to a misunderstanding of what was gong on.

I explained the tests that I'd had done, and the dreaded words that my last doctor had left me with (he had essentially given up on my health once again). Then, this doctor compassionately explained that when doctors don't understand something it is easy to write it off as something psychological (as though it must all be in your head). You can imagine that put me at ease!

I also told him about a mold problem we currently had in our house (which I had mentioned to my family doctor as well, but was sort of laughed at). He explained that when someone is exposed to mold, we know it can cause certain things, and so he tested me for them.

The Diagnosis:
Imagine my relief as I get back results that actually tell me something. My insulin is at toxic levels. How did my family doctor miss this? The problem is called Hyperinsulinemia (brought on by mold exposure): Basically my cells have become resistant to insulin, so when my blood sugar goes up even a little, my body produces insulin. But because my cells are resistant to insulin it doesn't lower my blood sugar like it is supposed to, and my body continues to make more and more insulin until it reaches toxic levels. I also learned that fructose (which is in table sugar) is a trigger for this illness.

The Treatment:
1) No sugar or sweeteners (low glycemic foods only)
2) No chemical exposures.
3) Exercise every day.
4) Take something called GR-Plex (a combination of the things the body naturally uses to regulate blood sugar, and some natural substances that had been scientifically shown to regulate blood sugar as well).

I was relieved he didn't jump to a drug solution. I would have been VERY resistant to beginning another drug - especially one I'd potentially be on for life - if there were a way to mange this illness naturally. (see why in My Health Story)

At this point my insulin remains quite high, but the shaking has decreased rather quickly! While it hasn't taken care of all of my symptoms, many of them have disappeared. (They do return when I don't continue to live a healthy life and follow the instructions of my doctor!).

I know. It sounds like I'm healed. These changes brought me a good deal of relief! But if you can imagine, there is a fuller level of health that I will come to know. I'll share more about this soon!

Happy Health!
Read Next Post:  It Gets Better!

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