Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Three Stages of Toxicity Treatment - 1. Avoiding Further Exposures

In the past, treatment has focused on symptom control.  ie. If you have...
    Headaches...  given an analgesic.
    Serious intestinal or airway inflammation...  treated with bronchodilator.
    Joint problems...  assorted anti-inflammatory therapies
    (Genuis, 2010).

But in each case, the treatments "only temporarily conceal symptoms and fail to deal with the [origin] of the problem or to achieve long-term resolution of the illness.(Genuis, 2010)"

Using this approach one can only hope for a lifetime of treatment without true healing.  It doesn't address the cause.  Environmental Medicine has a different approach, though most family doctors aren't aware of this (relatively) new branch of medicine.

The Approach of Environmental Medical Specialists
Environmental Medicine views the above treatments as temporary solutions while investigation is done and a treatment plan is put together to address the CAUSE of the symptoms.  And in most cases, when the cause is eliminated, the symptoms will begin to diminish and will often go away completely in time (Genuis, 2010)".  

The Three Stages of Treatment for SRI (Illness Caused By Toxicities)
Treatment takes place in three stages (though when you go through them may overlap to some degree).  You can read about the following three stages in the very thought provoking and well-written Medical Journal Article: Sensitivity-related illness: the escalating pandemic of allergy, food intolerance and chemical sensitivity (Genuis, 2010) - I have a copy if you'd like to read it!  

What follows is a summary and my experience as I have walked through these stages.  Much of what is below is what I have learned from him during class or during appointments, but please know that I am speaking from my own experience, and do not speak for him in any way. 

 We'll begin with a look at the first stage:

STAGE ONE:  Avoid further exposures:
This involves...
 Fixing your environment so you don't have further exposures (otherwise its pointless to go through the difficult and pricey detoxification process if its just going to happen again).
Avoiding things that trigger your symptoms (things that trigger symptoms caused by toxic exposures/allergies/sensitivities)
Fixing deficiencies of things the body needs.
Early interventions for any nutrient toxicities that make it harder for your body to work properly.

Fixing Your Environment
The first thing to do is remove any chemicals (cleaning products/personal care products), molds, food-related toxins, and any other toxic exposures in the home.  I began this process 4 years ago by removing all chemicals from my home (see My Health Story).  It is an expensive process, and takes some research to discover which "natural" products are actually completely natural, and which natural things are safe and which aren't (natural things can be toxic, too!).  After doing my research I settled on Norwex for cleaning because they were the most pure (some other products were great, too, and I'll hopefully post a list of great products soon).  Anyway, making this switch does get expensive, so I became a consultant with them to afford a complete switchover.  Please don't feel compelled to buy from me, though.  It can be a conflict of interest, so I'd much rather see people making these changes than supporting me as a consultant. 

 We also had mold in our home (found through mold plate testing), and confirmed by the high level of Ochratoxin (a toxin released by mold) that showed up in my lab test.  So the first step, fixing the enviornment, involved some renovations - the bathroom and the carpets.  Deciding what to replace them with was a difficult process because a lot of flooring off-gasses toxic things.  I'll post on what some good choices are in the future.

Avoiding Triggers
They can be difficult to identify, but symptoms are brought on in response to a trigger (or more likely a number of triggers).  Triggers are exposures or behaviors that cause your symptoms to get worse.  Each trigger may have different symptoms, and will often involve multiple organ systems.

Triggers often cause inflammation in the gut that keep you from absorbing certain (or even many) nutrients, leading to nutrient deficiencies even if you are eating a perfect diet.  

It stands to reason that if you have good days and bad days, you at the very least have the health potential to live every day at the level of a good day.  Triggers can be foods, chemicals, inhalants (including those below the Odor Detection Threshold), biological agents, and electrical stimuli.  If these are avoided, "patients generally improve and achieve a relatively normal baseline after a period of a few days to weeks if they avoid exposure to inciting triggers, providing that permanent damage has not already occurred (Ziem, 1992; Spergel et al., 2005)."

When all triggers are eliminated, the symptoms will significantly improve.  Often they completely go away in as little as 6 weeks!!  This kind of healing has been seen in such chronic illnesses such as autism (Genuis and Bouchard, 2010) and schizophrenia (De Santis et al., 1997), just to name a few.

The Government of Canada released a document on environmental sensitivities that lists the most common triggers of SRI.  Some common food triggers for SRI include:  Gluten, Casein, Corn/Corn Products, Soy, Monosodium Glutamate, Artificial Sweeteners, Food Dyes, Caffeine, Nuts, Nightshades, Yeast, and Eggs (Genuis, 2010).  Fructose is also recognized to trigger symptoms, as well as a cause a host of health problems including gut inflammation, metabolic disorders, and various cancers (Zhou et al, 2011; Huang, et al, 2011;  Liu and Heaney, 2011).

Lets look at a few of these common triggers:

Fructose.  The first time I learned I have triggered-responses was when my doctor tested my insulin level (Jan 2011) and found my insulin was through the roof (hyperinsulinemia).  Exposure to fructose is a trigger for me.  This meant I had to stop eating anything with fructose in it (including fruits and most vegetables for awhile)!  Sugar and natural sweeteners, and even artificial sweeteners were a problem.  There is only one natural sweetener to date that does not cause blood sugar to spike (Stevia), and so that's the only thing I used for 7 1/2 months.  It doesn't taste great in every context, but its delicious with fruit and yogurt.  My doctor also recommended GR-Plex (a natural supplement that contains the nutrients involved in blood glucose regulation) because of my insulin problem.

*As I made this change my neurological symptoms subsided!  For the first time in over a year!  My hormones also seemed to be in much better balance, and my blood sugar and insulin levels were improving!

Problematic Sweeteners are hidden using a number of label names including:
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Corn Syrup
  • Fructose
  • Sucrose
  • Sorbitol
  • Natural Sweetener
  • Agave
  • Sugar
  • Cane sugar
  • Fruit/Berry Sweetener
  • Asperthame
  • Sucralose
  • Saccharin
  • Splenda

For the rest of these triggers, I learnt of them in August 2011 and began avoiding them at that time.
Casein.  This is a component of dairy, and a common sensitivity reaction trigger.
Gluten.  In wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and kamut.  (Brown Rice, Qinoa, and Tapioca are good options)
Soy.  A common allergen, but also, the soy you can buy at the store is almost entirely GMO.  Some is labelled non-GMO, but often it does still contain GMOs because that label is not regulated.
*After a few weeks without these things (and with the replenishment of my intestinal flora) I was AMAZED to discover that my Gastro-Intestinal Tract Symptoms had essentially disappeared, and my brain fog and memory had improved SIGNIFICANTLY!!

Glutamates.  The most recognized one is MSG (monosodium glutamate), but there are many of them, and they go by many names.  Labels that always indicate MSG inlude:  Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Gelatin, Monosodium Glutamate, Calcium Caseinate, Textured Protein, Monopotassium Glutamate, Sodium Caseinate, Yeast Nutrient, Yeast Extract, Yeast Food, Autolyzed Yeast, Hydrolyzed Protein, Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten, Natrium Glutamate. There are also a number of labels that OFTEN contain MSG, or create MSG during processing.  Find that info here!
*When I have these they give me brain fog and disorientation, and I start to feel depressed.

Corn.  Nearly all corn has been genetically modified to produce its own pesticide (Gewin, 2003).  Lots of plants produce pesticides (Ie.  Marigolds), but they aren't typically eaten (Guimaraes, 2006).  Corn is in nearly everything now, so this is a significant one.  Some corn is marked non-GMO, but it can still contain these pesticides because the label "non-GMO" is not regulated.  Because the pesticide is part of the plant (not sprayed on, for instance), you can't wash it off, and the body is forced to try to deal with it.

Alcohol.  Most people recognize this isn't beneficial.

Caffein.  Interferes with sleep, for instance.  Also dehydrates, and causes all sorts of sensitivity problems.  It is implicated in sleep disorders, anxiety, headaches, and eating disorders.  Decaf coffee is often processed with chemicals that will make symptoms worse.  I imagine that water-processed decaf would be okay.  Kicking Horse makes an INCREDIBLE swiss water processed decaf.

Sulphites.  The Health Canada website goes into detail on this one.

Acrylamide.  This is a cancer causing agent that isn't a food additive (so wont show up on any labels), but is produced during cooking of certain foods.  For instance, Potatoes+Oil+High Heat (French Fries), produces this (Becalski et al., 2004). Health Canada explains more.

So I'm sure your wondering... so what can she eat?
1.  Organic Foods (pesticides only put more burden on the body)
2.  A couple of servings of fruit/day (once my insulin is better)
3.  LOTS of veggies (the more raw the better)
4.  Nuts, Seeds, Legumes (ie. beans, peas, lentils, chick peas)
5.  Meat (I've been a vegetarian since grade 2, but if I could stomach it and find organic meat from an ethical source, who knows...)

I'll post some favorite recipes at some point!

This process has been difficult, to say the least, but I have to say that how good I feel has counterbalanced the difficulty and made this so much more than worth it!  My body is getting stronger and stronger, and these things that have plagued me for so long - that I was told I'd just have to accept as normal FOREVER have gone away - Its given me freedom from suffering and hope for more in the future!!

I hope that you will find relief from the things that have plagued your health, and find total healing! 

Happy Health!

Coming soon:  Fixing Deficiencies and Toxicities

Label names for MSG

MSG is a neutotransmitter normally found in the brain in parts per million/billion.  When used as a food additive it is used by the tsp!  This causes the brain to be flooded with the neurotransmitter, causing a host of problems including neonatal expsure leading to adulthood obesity and inflammation, liver inflammation and dysplasia, headache and pericranial muscle tenderness, and much more. 

The most recognized one is MSG (monosodium glutamate), but there are many of them, and they go by many names.  Labels that always indicate MSG inlude:  Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Gelatin, Monosodium Glutamate, Calcium Caseinate, Textured Protein, Monopotassium Glutamate, Sodium Caseinate, Yeast Nutrient, Yeast Extract, Yeast Food, Autolyzed Yeast, Hydrolyzed Protein, Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten, Natrium Glutamate.  

Labels that often contain MSG or create MSG during prossessing include:  Carrageenan, Maltodextrin, Malt Extract, Natural Pork Flavoring, Citric Acid, Malt Flavoring, Boullion, Broth, Natural Chicken Flavoring, Soy Protein Isolate, Natural Beef Flavoring, Ultra-pasturized, Soy Sauce, Stock, Barley Malt,Soy Sauce Extract, Whey protein concentrate, Pectin, Soy Protein, Whey protein, Protease, Soy Protein Concentrate, Whey protein Isolate, Protease Enzymes, Anything Protein Fortified, Flavors, Flavorings, Anything Enzyme Modified, Many Fermented Foods, Natural Flavors, Natural Flavorings, Anzymes anything, and the word "Seasonings."

Its a little daunting, but getting rid of this one will leave you feeling more focused, and healthier for sure!
Happy Health!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Body Needs... (Table of Contents)

For a person to be able to reach their health potential, you need to answer two questions:
1) Does my body have what it needs to work properly?
2) Is there something toxic in my body/environment that is keeping it from doing what it is designed to do?
(Genuis, 2008)

So, what DOES the body need?  Exercise and eat right... right?  Sounds simple.

Well it is, and it isn't.  My doctor talks about 7 things we need.  You probably already know what most of them are, BUT most people are unaware of some important factors that effect these things and can interfere with the body getting even these most basic things!   

Please note that I am torn about how to cite this list of seven things, because I want it to be clear that while my doctor teaches about these things, I don't speak for him in any way.  I've tried to cite references clearly, but I am less confident about how to cite things I've learnt in class.  I haven't come across an article where he directly talks about these things, but he's discussed them at length in class.  You can read his basic introduction to this type of medicine in the Medical Journal Articles "Our Genes Are Not Our Destiny" (Stephen Genuis, 2008) (I have a copy you can read), and "What's Out There Making Us Sick" (Stephen Genuis, 2012) 

 Anyway, here they are :)

1. Water...  has it changed?
2. Sunlight...  how can we get enough when we're inside or covered in sunscreen?
3. Nutrients...  new research on nutrition, and common nutrient deficiencies in North America.
4.  Exercise...  what kind will make a difference?  how much is enough?
5.  Clean Air...  common issues with indoor air quality.
6.  Quality Sleep...  what does that mean?
7.  Germs...  what should our relationship with them be?

I will be adding to links to each of these as I'm able.  In the meantime... wonder... do some of your own investigative work, and anticipate how this information will empower you to feel, and truly BE healthy!

Happy Health!

The Body Needs... Water: Has Water Changed?

Water.  One of the most basic components of human life, of the body, of the earth!  This is a no-brainer.  Drink 8-10 glasses a day, and you're good...  that's what we think.  But an important question we should give some thought to is:  Has water changed?

Maybe you've caught some of the media attention.
Water is not what it used to be.  Treatment Plants give reports on what they find in the water, but most people don't realize that they only test for certain things (ie. Epcor).  The reality is that water treatment plants can only do so much to restore polluted water.  According to an EPA scientist "People think that if they take a medication, their body absorbs it and it disappears, but of course that's not the case...  there are no sewage treatment systems specifically engineered to remove pharmaceuticals (CTV, 2008)."

Antibiotics, Anti-convulsants, Mood Stabilizers, Anti-Anxiety Meds, Sex Hormones (ie. the Pill), Tranquilizers, Heart Meds, and Pain Meds (Burton, 2006) are just a few of the pharmaceuticals being found in tap water all over the world! More than 100 pharmaceuticals have been detected in water sources world wide (CTV, 2008).

Our local water is showing the same problem:  pharmaceuticals are in our drinking water.
During the past 15 years, the presence of pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC's) in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, receiving waters, and groundwater has become an issue of increasing international attention and concern (North Saskatchewan River Water Quality, 2010).

Over the past few years scientists across North America have been finding trace levels of pharmaceutical medicines, antibiotics, and personal care products in almost all surface water supplies.  The highest levels seem to be from sewage treatment plant effluents.  There are currently no regulated limits for these products (Epcore).
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products need to be assessed separately.  There is need to assess the uncertainty regarding the development of antibiotic microbial resistance and to consolidate research activities (Environment Canada).

 We assume the amounst must be low, but are they?  Even Merck & Co, a pharmaceutical giant, acknowledges "There is no doubt about it, pharmaceuticals are being detected in the environement and there is genuine concern" about these compounds "in the small concentrations they're at (CTV, 2008)."  Think of how many women are taking just the pill - it adds up!   When you consider that pharmaceuticals operate in parts per billion/trillion it wouldn't take much to have an effect.  We're starting to see the long term low dose effects, not to mention how they effect the little bodies of children - but no one knows how these different drugs may interact at these doses.

The hormone disruptors being found in our water are of great concern.   The effects have been seen in fish across the globe, including  gender changes and infertility issues (USGS, 2009; Summit Voice, 2010; CBS, 2010).  A reports on Alberta findings states "Compounds detected in the water included synthetic estrogens (birthcontrol pill compounds and hormone therapy drugs); bisphenol A, a chemical used in making plastics; and certain types of natural and synthetic steroids that are byproducts of agricultural run-off and cattle farming (Summit Voice, 2010)."  Each of these work to disrupt the hormones of the human body.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this problem is found in "virtually every watershed in the country."  In one area every small mouth bass has this condition and in some areas "entire populations of fish simply collapsed, unable to spawn (CBS News, 2010)."

What does this mean for Human Beings?
Endocrine Disruptors are just one of the issues that are effecting our water supply, but as they are associated with lowered fertility, feminization, endometriosis, and cancers (just to name a few things), they are a huge concern.  The concern is even bigger for "prenatal and early postnatal development when organ and neural systems are forming (NIEHS)."

Here are some of the effects these hormone disruptors are having on human beings:

1. They can cause problems with human fertility in both males and females.  Endocrine disruptors are associated with "malformations of the male genital tract," decreased sperm quality, and other "alterations in male and female reproduction (Soto and Sonnenschein, 2010)."  Chlorine exposure in boys during childhood has been shown to affect hormone levels at adolescence (Nickmilder and Bernard, 2010).  Even showering and bathing with chlorinated water has a harmful effect, contributing to daily exposure of chloroform (Riederer, Bartell, and Ryan, 2009)! 

2.  They can effect gender identity and sexual orientation.  Exposure to the wrong amount of a hormone during the critical time for Sexual Differentiation of the Brain can change the baby's Gender Identity (Swaab, 2007; Dingfelder, 2004; Reiner and Gearhart, 2004).
(read more)

3.  They can cause cancer. They are associated with prostate cancer (Stot and Sonnenschein, 2010).  Prenatal exposures to excess estrogens, whether natural or synthetic, has been associated with breast, vaginal, and uterine cancers later on (Birnbaum and Fenton, 2003).  The findings are much to vast to include everything, but to be sure the connection is strong.

How to get clean water:
Bottled Water exposes people to toxicants (including endocrine disruptors) because the plasticizers leech into the plastic.  For instance, plasticizers such as BPA and Phlalates are both hormone disruptors.  The best solution appears to be either Reverse Osmosis Water (that is not kept in plastic bottles) or Distilled Water.  Reverse osmosis "removes virtually all pharmaceutical contaminants but is very expensive for large-scale use and leaves several gallons of polluted water for every one that is made drinkable (CTV, 2008).  Distilled Water is a solid choice (with the use of mineral drops to replace the minerals that are filtered out as well), and the distiller should be stainless steel (to avoid the hormone disrupting chemicals found in plastics).

We haven't put in our distiller yet, but are saving up for it because we know it will improve our health.  It may take a little effort (and some money), but 8-10 glasses of uncontaminated water can still be within reach!

Happy Health!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Treatment Plan

After having a physical done it is FINALLY time to start "The Program" - completely personalized according to my lab results and medical history! What awaits?

Over the next 8 or so visits, my doctor plans to go over what my body is missing that I need.  He will identify my deficiencies based on the Lab Results, and explain the best way to bring these levels back into balance.  He will also go over my sources of toxic exposure, and how we can remove them from the home (afterall, if I'm going to continue being exposed, then getting it out of my body will only help for a short time).  Finally, he will explain what needs to be done to remove the toxic things in my body!

The Treatment Plan (Aug. 2011):  What the body needs and the Three Stages of Toxicity Treatment
Annual Physical (Sept. 6, 2011)
Session I (Sept. 12, 2011):  Removing Triggers from the Bedroom, Fixing Insulin Levels
Session II (Sept. 19, 2011):  Fixing Copper Levels, Fixing Krebs Cycle, Fixing Abnormal Germ Environment in the Gut, Removing Dietary Triggers
Session III (Sept. 29):  Removing Dietary Toxins and Additional Dietary Triggers, What I Can and Should Be Eating to Recover, and Routes of Exposures to Chemial Toxins to Be Aware Of.
Session IV (Oct. 3, 2011):  Good News about Insuliin and Blood Glucose Levels, Toxicant Exposures in Water, and Strong Enough for Exercise
Session V (Oct. 17, 2011):  How to Get Some Sleep
Session VI (Oct. 31, 2011): Watched info on...(B6). - Bone Health? and Adjusting pH
Session VII ():  Notes missing
Session VIII (): Notes missing
Session IX ():  Electrical Exposures (2)
Session X (Dec. 19, 2011):  Three Phases of Detoxification, and Avoiding Harmful Electrical Frequencies
Session XI plus - to be announced!

Should be some journey!
Happy Health!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Now THAT'S a Medical History!!

Somewhere around 10 years ago I toyed with the idea of finding a doctor on my end of the city. A female doctor was recommended by a family member, and i decided to give her a try. When I came to meet her I asked... "So I guess I should call my doctor's office and have them move my file here, then?"

She answered sincerely, "No, I won't need that."

I felt quite shocked, and couldn't figure out what to say in the moment. I had long term struggles with my health and no answers, and I like to think that my doctor is interested in a complete picture of my health... Who knows what might come clear in time if she had my medical history. I didn't stay with this doctor for long.

Now, as I am starting down the path to discover if my body has what it needs to be healthy, and if there is anything toxic that could be keeping my body from functioning to its fullest potential, one of the first things THIS doctor did was hand me a binder filled with questions about my medical history.

It included questions regarding:
1) My current sense of well-being
2) My Priorities
3) Central Nervous Systom Symptoms
4) Gastro-Intestinal System Symptoms
5) Respiratory and Cardiovascular System Symptoms
6) Musculoskeletel System Symptoms
7) Urinary Tract Symptoms
8) Gynocological Symptoms
9) Skin-Related Symptoms
10)Ear, Nose, and Throat Symptoms
11)Emotional Symptoms
12)Sleep Symptoms
13)Psychological Symptoms
14)And a list of other questions!
15)Family History
16)An inventory of toxicant exposures in the home, office, community
17)An assessment of diet and nutrition
18)Questions related to my prenatal environment (This medical history went back before my birth!!)
(See My Medical History Here)

The history was relatively easy to fill out. For most sections the questions were answered with a number between 1 and 8, and for the symptoms I had personally, I was to clarify the severity of the symptom, how regularly it occurs, if something triggers it, if there's something that makes it better, how long the symptoms last and if they're getting better or worse, if I've had test done for it, or been treated for it,and anything else I felt I needed to mention.

This was more work than the average doctor visit, but there's no doubt that my health is being looked at it in a complex, complete way! And it has been very revealing to me. I knew I had struggled with my health since I was young, but this exercise has brought to light the patterns and development of some thing's I hadn't picked up on before. VERY EXCITING STUFF!!

Stay tuned for what came out of this and the tests that were done!

Happy Health!
Read Next Post:  My Medical History (May 2011)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lab Results: May 24, 2011

Finally the lab results are in, so what say thou, Lab?

I was tested for a broad spectrum of things:
  • Bone Density, 
  • Insulin/Blood Sugar Levels, 
  • Nutrient Levels, 
  • Toxic Exposures inlcuding things like...
  • Molds and Heavy Metals, 
  • Components of cell function, energy production, neurotransmitter metabolism markers, 
  • and many more things! 
Its really fascinating to look at these lab results, learn about the symptoms they cause, and then compare with my  Medical History to see how it fits together!  There are some DEFINITE answers in here!!

Here we go!!

Bone Density:  Low bone density in my back
Antidepressants can cause low bone density.  It can also occur during pregnancy.  During my last pregnancy I lost the ability to use my abdominals, ever since have not been able to hold myself in the table top position.  Now I know why!

Insulin:  The first results that came back showed toxic levels of insulin.  My blood sugar was a little high, too, but the insulin is the main problem.  I've posted about the hyperinsulinemia dianosis previosly.  (read about it here)

Amino Acids: I am low in Ornithine
Ornithine is a central part of the Urea Cycle and is involved in Ammonia
Detoxification/ridding the body of excess nitrogen.  The Urea Cycle is important for arginine biosynthesis (an intermediate in metabolic process).  (Find more info on Ornithine here).

Nutrient Elements: potassium was high, Copper was deficient
High Potassium Leves (called hyperkalemia) is "usually due to an underlying medical condition such as kidney disease or diabetes. Very high levels can be damaging to your heart."  I have diabetic issues.  (read about hyperkalemia here)

Copper Deficiency:  Signs and symptoms include fatigue, paleness, skin sores, edema, slowed growth, hair loss, anorexia, diarrhea, and dermatitus.  It can cause weakness and labored respiration from reduced red blood cell function.  It can also cause reduced thyroid function, increased uric acid, cholesterol and blood pression, impair glucose tolerance, and cause cardiovascular disease, thrombosis, oxidative damage, bone demineralization, and an irregular heart beat.  Finally, it can result in reduced cellular immune response, reduced activity of white blood cells, and reduced thymus hormone production (making it difficult for the body to fight infections.  I have PLENTY of these symptoms!  (read more here

Toxic Elements: Aluminum Toxicity
Aluminum is a xenoestrogen (an endocrine disruptor that mimicks estrogen/has an estrogenic effect on the body). Xenoestrogens are reproductive and developmental toxins.  Aluminum is also associated with memory problems.  Sources of exposure include aluminum pots and pans, water bottles, kettles, etc. as well as antiperspirants, baking powders, and make-up.
(For information on Aluminum in Make-up and other personal care products read here)
(For information on Reproductive and Developmental Toxins read here)

Uric Acid:  High level
Causes joint related symptoms (including gout), and kidney stones. (read more here)

Co-Enzyme Q10 Plus Vitamin: Vitamin A Toxicity
This is associated with blurred vision and vision changes, bone pain, changes in conciousness, dizziness, increased intracranial pressure, drowsiness, headache, irritability, nausea, skin and hair changes, cracking corners of mouth, and sensitivity to sunlight. I've had each of these.
 (more info here)

Vitamin D: good
I have been heavily supplementing Vitamin D since 2005, and now have good levels.  Hurray!

Fatty Acids:
pentadecanoic is high - a saturated fatty acid found in milk fat from cows.
Triene/Tetraene Ratio was high

Transfat levels:  high
These are toxic fats that alter cell function.  The body cannot detoxify them.

Energy Producation:  Looks for metabolism - how well the body is functioning on a cellular level.  I have high levels of Citrate, Cis-Aconitate, Isocitrate, and Hydroxymethlglutarate - which are all involved in the Krebs Cycle.  Indicates the Krebs Cycle is not functioning sufficiently. 

The Krebs Cycle occurs in the matrix of the mitochondrion.  Its function is to generate energy from carbohydrates, fats, and protiens.  It is also responsible for precursers creating certain amino acids and reducing NADH. (Listen to: The Krebs Cycle song)

Neurotransmitter Metabolism Markers: Quinolinate is high
Indicates damage to DNA (could be related to mold or aluminum toxicity).

Molds/Mycotoxins: Ochratoxin
I was expecting something in this category, because we have had mold problems in our house.  This is a mycotoxin (a chemical produced by mold). It is a xenoestrogen (an endocrine disruptor that mimicks estrogen/has an estrogenic effect on the body). Xenoestrogens are reproductive and developmental toxins.

Also, I have noticed that for a long time my sense of smell has been altered.  It started during my last pregnancy (which can be normal for pregnancy) - a heightened sense of smell, noticing each person's different natural scent (sometimes good, sometimes bad), and somethings smelling different than they used to.  After pregnancy things continued to smell differently, but I didn't realize how overtime my sense of smell has been diminishing until just recently.  A milk jug was leaking when I brought the groceries home.  I thought it had been contained on the rubber mat, but it turns out the milk was rotten under the mat, too.  I didn't learn this until other people opened the car door and wanted to puke!  It turn out I don't have much of a sense of smell anymore.

All this to tell you that I learned today that I have mold right inside my sinus cavity.  I should have expected this because it depends on the route of exposure where it ends up in your body, but the light came on when he told me about this today!

Compounds of Bacterial or Yeast/Fungal Origin: pHydroxyphenylacetate high
Indicates abnormal germs in the gut.  Causes include taking antibiotics (which our family has taken WAY more than our share of), and the use of antibacterial soaps, sanitizer, and cleaning products.

So what now??
Over the next 10+ appointments the doctor will go through what each of these things are (in more detail), how they are caused, and what can be done to correct them! I'm VERY excited to have these answers right in my hand!!  The truth IS out there!!

Happy Health
Read Next Post:  What My Medical History Revealed About These Things

[NOTE:  Many of these tests had to be sent to the states, because Canadian labs don't test for them. In Canada I believe there are only 5 doctors of Environmental Medicine, while in the States they are much more common.  Its my understanding that because Americans pay more directly for their health care, they have more options presented to them.  Maybe one of my American friends can clarify?  In Canada we generally test for things that are covered by Health Care.]